7 YouTubers That Are Inspirational


1. ShayCarl

Not only is Shay always positive and upbeat, but he also is living proof that hard work can truly pay off. His passion for video production has brought him into a very successful life. He shows us that it’s important to work towards your dreams and never give up. He also embodies the importance of family, as well as living life to the fullest. If more people in this world were like Shay, I can’t even begin to imagine how much happier this world would be.

2. Shane Dawson

Shane’s humor may not be for everyone, but he truly is an inspirational person. He has spoken many times about his struggles from his teenage years and how he overcame them/is still overcoming them. He has faced a lot of body image issues in his life, and he likes to take time out to talk about it in his vlogs, in hopes of helping others who may have similar problems. He also has worked hard to live out his dreams. He even recently released a movie that he directed and produced, which has been a long time dream of his.

3. Jenna Marbles

Jenna may be the funniest chick on YouTube, but she is also a huge inspiration. She always reflects that she doesn’t care what people think about her, and that she will always be herself no matter what. She has been through a struggle of figuring out what she wants to do in life, and even said that she still isn’t sure, but she continues to make YouTube videos because it’s the one thing that she truly loves to do right now. She shows how important it is to do what you love and go for what you want.

4. Tyler Oakley

Tyler is always a smiling ray of sunshine in all his videos, which brings positivity to everyone. Like Jenna, he isn’t afraid to just be himself and doesn’t care if people don’t like him. His main goal is to make people smile and laugh at his videos, and to show people that it’s completely okay to be different. He loves to make people’s days better because he believes that everyone should stay positive.

5. Connor Franta

Connor likes to make a lot of relatable videos in order to make people feel better. He also enjoys making people smile and laugh and likes to assure people that they’re not alone in any issue they are facing. He is completely real with people which reflects that he loves himself for who he is. He wants others to know that they should feel the same, no matter how different they are from others. He really is a great role model for people of all ages because he always speaks the truth.

6. Lisa Schwartz

Like her boyfriend, Shane Dawson, she also mainly makes goofy and funny videos, but there’s something beneath the surface that makes Lisa inspirational. Every once in awhile, she will make a serious video just talking to her audience about the problems that she has had to overcome in her life. She recently talked about her anxiety attacks and how she is still struggling. But she also said that it’s important to believe in yourself and believe that you can get through anything. Through her humor, she shows that it’s important to look at life in a positive light and keep pushing through no matter what.

7. Charles Trippy

Charles is a lot like ShayCarl in a sense, that he makes daily vlogs and always likes to stay upbeat and positive. He has overcome many huge obstacles in his life, and he has shown that you can only overcome these things if you never give up. He even had a brain tumor, which put a huge toll on his life, but he stayed positive through it all, and eventually overcame it. He also had to deal with a divorce from his wife, but again, he stayed positive and found a way to move on. He is another person on YouTube who is very real with his viewers because he wants them to know that they can get through anything as well.

Quote Of The Day:

30 Ways To Change Your Life in 2015


This is the last month of 2014, which means a new year is coming soon. While some people create lists of resolutions that they never even end up looking at ever again, I decided to reflect upon the different ways that anyone can change their life for the better in 2015. While this isn’t necessarily a list of specific resolutions, this is instead a list of actions that you can take and apply to your own life. So make it a goal to achieve some of these things (or maybe all of them!) in the upcoming year, and see how much your life shifts towards positivity.

1. Leave the past behind you. If you’re constantly living in the past, how are you ever going to reach the future? It’s okay to reference the past once in awhile, but never ever let it hold you back. Keep looking forward.

2. Turn all negative thoughts into positive ones. “I can’t do this” is never an option. Once you start thinking positively, you will soon start to feel like a more positive person. In turn, you will find yourself accomplishing more than you could have ever imagined.

3. Think outside the box. Stop being stuck in your old ways of thinking. Think about things from a different perspective and your life will become a lot more interesting.

4. Do something that scares you. If you never face your fears, how will you ever grow? Start off with something small, like maybe talking to that boy or girl that you like. Eventually you can face a bigger fear, like going bungee jumping, or something totally insane and out there.

5. Don’t put up with people who don’t treat you well. If you’re in a relationship with someone who isn’t treating you with the respect you deserve, either leave them, or talk to them about it. If they aren’t going to change their ways, you need to get yourself out of this situation because you’re better than that.

6. Treat others with kindness. We all know the saying, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”. We all need to live by this saying because the world would be such a better place. Be nice to everyone, even to those people who might not be your best friends. It’s better to greet an enemy with a friendly, “Hello”, than to throw a bunch of hateful comments at them.

7. Do good deeds. Volunteer your time to someone in need. Whether it be a charity, or a family member, it’s important to help those who are less fortunate, or who are struggling with something. Not only will you feel good doing it, but you’ll make the other person feel amazing as well.

8. Believe in yourself. Stop telling yourself that you’ll never amount to anything. Stop telling yourself that you’re not good enough. You are the first person who needs to believe in you, so you better get on it. You will have a bright future if you do so.

9. Stand up for what you believe in. Stop letting others lead you in directions in which you don’t want to go. You don’t have to agree with everyone just to be on their good side. Don’t be afraid to go on your own path with your own thoughts. You have your own mind, use it the way you want to use it!

10. Actually work towards your goals. Don’t make a list of goals and cringe each time you look at them. You can achieve any goal as long as you keep working hard. Don’t try to take the easy route. Work harder than you ever have in your entire life and you’ll be surprised by how far you will go.

11. Dream big. The difference between incredibly big dreams and realistic dreams is that if you go with the latter, you’ll be playing it safe. No dream is outside of your reach as long as you believe in it.

12. Be grateful for the people who have stayed in your life. When all is lost in life, take time to think about everyone who has stuck by you through everything. Those people are your true friends/family, and they care about you a whole lot. Be grateful for them, because you’re incredibly lucky to have them.

13. Never doubt your abilities. Stop comparing yourself to others, and realize that you are actually amazing at what you do. You’re the only you that exists in this world, so with that in mind, do what you do best. You are talented in your own way.

14. Stop procrastinating. Whether it be work for school or your job, or starting a fitness goal, you need to stop saying “oh, I’ll do it later”. DO IT NOW. If you wait until later, you’re just wasting more time. You’ll feel a lot more proud of yourself if you start everything right now, instead of holding off.

15. Fix broken friendships. Are you and your best friend falling apart? Instead of letting it happen, try to communicate with each other about what has gone wrong. If you are meant to be in each other’s lives forever, you will find a way to work things out. Don’t let yourself lose the people who are most important to you.

16. Fall in love with the world. With all the terrible things that occur in this world, some may find it nearly impossible to have positive thoughts about the world. But if you find at least one thing you love about this world, or even just your country, it will make living life that much better.

17. Let things happen on their own. Stop trying to control every little thing. You cannot always make things happen or prevent things from happening, sometimes they just have to happen on their own. Almost everything happens for a reason, which is why you need to just let things be.

18. Appreciate your family more. Even if you’re not very close with your family, you should be incredibly grateful that they are in your life. You’re connected to them in a way that is different from everyone else, which is a special bond that no one can take away. They will always be there for you no matter what.

19. Don’t stress out too much. If you spend all your time stressing out about every tiny thing, then you’re missing out on life big time. Relax. You are capable of anything and everything. If you take some deep breaths, and try to calm down, you will actually have better success. So try not to freak out.

20. Acknowledge your strengths. How often do you sit down and think about everything you’re good at? Probably not very often. This is important to do because it will ultimately give you a lot more motivation. Everyone is good at something, so it’s important to take the time to realize your abilities.

21. Also acknowledge your weaknesses. It’s also important to think about things that you need to work on. It’s okay to have weaknesses; that’s what makes us human. But it’s always possible to work on turning those weaknesses into strengths. You can always become a better version of yourself.

22. Smile more. A lot more. Smile the moment you wake up in the morning because you have so much to smile about. Even if you’re going through a rough time, you can find a positive in the sea of negatives. Smiling is important because this simple gesture makes you feel better mentally, emotionally, and physically, and it’s very contagious in public. 🙂

23. Go on adventures. Stop sitting in your living room watching movies with your friends or going to the same mall every weekend. Go on a road trip, go to a different town, or even just go  to a different mall. If you change things up, life will be a lot more exciting and fulfilling.

24. Sing in the shower. This may seem like a goofy one, but trust me, it’s crucial to sing in the shower. It’s been proven that singing in the shower releases stress! Plus, everyone is a superstar in the shower, so go ahead and give yourself your own personal concert. You sound amazing!

25. Get more sleep. Going to bed at a reasonable hour might not sound fun, but it’s important in order to be healthy. If you get a good amount of sleep every night, you’ll feel a whole lot better, and you might not even need to chug all that coffee in the morning.

26. Eat healthier and exercise. I know that most times, chocolate sounds a lot better than carrots, but you have to take care of yourself. It’s okay, to indulge every once in awhile (hey, you can’t deprive yourself!), but remember that every healthy choice you make leads you to feeling better overall. You also don’t need to have a gym membership in order to exercise, so don’t make that an excuse. Exercise in your room, or the park, or wherever you feel comfortable, and again, you’ll feel a whole lot better.

27. Stop being lazy. This one sort of goes along with exercise. Long story short, stop being a couch potato. While it’s important to let yourself rest sometimes, try not to make it a habit. Go out and do something instead of laying in bed and watching TV all day.

28. Don’t give your time to someone who doesn’t deserve it. Stop wasting your time trying to make someone see the good in you. If they don’t already see it, then they’re either blind, or lying to themselves. Only associate yourself with the people who want to be in your life because you are you. Authentic people are the best kind of people.

29. Meet new people. Meet at least one new person every week (or everyday if you’re feeling ambitious!). This new person doesn’t have to become your best friend, or even a friend at all, but it’s always a good idea to communicate with others, especially people whom you may have never thought about talking to. By being a friendly person, you’ll make yourself and others feel better about the world.

30. Do what you love to do. Don’t let anyone convince you otherwise. Even if your talent is something that typically doesn’t give you great money, still do it. It’s better to be poor and doing something you love, than to be rich by doing something you hate. (Yes, I know, we need money to survive, but hey, you can have a side job that makes the money, while you continue to do what you love). You’ll be a happier person if you happily do every single thing that you want to do.

Quote Of The Day:

Why Everyone Should Listen To Taylor Swift’s Song “Clean”


Taylor Swift is known for writing songs about relationships and breakups, and many of her lyrics are extremely relatable. Some people aren’t fans of Swift simply because of the topics of her songs, but her song “Clean” from her latest album “1989” is a song that I believe everyone needs to listen to at least once.

“Clean”, which was co-written by Imogen Heap, can be interpreted in many different ways depending on your personal situations. I believe that its original meaning has to do with getting over a breakup. It reflects losing someone, yet finding yourself through it all.

This song has beautiful lyrics and metaphors throughout which create strong visual images in the mind and a whole string of emotions. I want to go through some of the lyrics just to show you how on point this song can be with anyone’s life.

The song starts out like most breakups do: “You’re still all over me like a wine-stained dress I can’t wear anymore; Hung my head as I lost the war; And the sky turned black like a perfect storm.” Using the beautiful metaphor of a “wine-stained dress”, Swift sings about the moment after a breakup where you cannot stop thinking about your ex/you can’t seem to get over him/her. In these lines, she explains the feeling of a breakup as being very dark and empty.

The chorus is a basic summary of the whole process of getting through a breakup: “Rain came pouring down; When I was drowning, that’s when I could finally breathe; And by morning, gone was any trace of you; I think I am finally clean.” Swift uses the metaphor of rain as the emotional breakdown that one goes through during a breakup. “When I was drowning, that’s when I could finally breathe”, is an ironic statement that reflects finding oneself when all hope is lost. The second half of the chorus emulates the moment when you’re finally over a breakup and you feel like a new person.

Another line that stands out is: “So I punched a hole in the roof; Let the flood carry away all my pictures of you.” This is a metaphorical representation of letting go all of the memories of your ex that are haunting you and holding you back. This could also be a literal interpretation of getting rid of photos of your ex.

In another part of the song, she sings, “10 months sober, I must admit; Just because you’re clean, don’t mean you don’t miss it; 10  months older, I won’t give in; Now that I’m clean, I’m never gonna risk it.” These lines are a common feeling amongst anyone who has gone through a breakup; you miss your ex sometimes but you know that it’s best to not go down that road again because you’re better off without him/her.

As I said, you can interpret this song in different ways to relate it to your own life, but I believe that this song shows the positive after effects of a breakup or a hard time, which is something we can all learn from. It’s important to realize that you can find the light even in the darkest times.

Here is a link to all of the lyrics: http://www.metrolyrics.com/clean-lyrics-taylor-swift.html And you can buy the song on iTunes!

Quote Of The Day:

20 Things I’ve Learned From Taylor Swift


1. You have to shake off the haters.

2. You shouldn’t care what people think of you.

3. Love can be amazing.

4. But being single is also awesome!

5. Always treat people well.

6. Relationships aren’t like fairytales.

7. It’s important to have fun with friends.

8. It’s okay to be sad sometimes.

9. It’s also okay to be angry sometimes.

10. A touch of red lipstick is a touch of fun.

11. If you let go of the past, you’ll feel renewed.

12. You’re not living life right unless you’re a little bit goofy.

13. Love can start over even when all hope is lost.

14. Being fearless means to face your fears.

15. Once you breakup with someone, don’t get back together; you broke up for a reason!

16. Sometimes you just have to make fun of yourself.

17. Always have big dreams.

18. Never give up.

19. Your friends will always be by your side.

20. Always stay humble.